When Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pipin, Gandalf, Legalos, Boromir, Gimli, and Aragorn took off in pursuit of the ring in The Fellowship of the Ring, there were adventures ahead of them that they didn’t, or couldn’t, anticipate. Forgive me for being repetitive but they had a fellowship. It started formally but grew to become personal, deeply forged in the joys and sorrows of their shared journey as they were striving to save the world. They had a bond that would transcend many things.
That’s the story of fellowship. It can be unexpected but extremely meaningful. And in the end, it’s our fellowship that will carry us through life. That’s why it’s so special then for John to invite his readers and us into fellowship with him because his fellowship was with the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3). Let’s not forsake gathering together and encouraging one another (Heb. 10:24-25) so we can rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep (Rom. 12:15) and seek the Lord together. So then, when you walked into the sanctuary on Sunday, I would imagine that you didn’t expect to be watching a demonstration of our new Short Term Study! As I shared with you on Sunday, we’re pressing into a new way of gathering folks together to study, encourage one another, and share life for a while. If you weren’t able to join us for the service on Sunday, I encourage you to watch the recording of our live streamed service (linked below) to see what I'm talking about. Finally, if you still think fellowship is not an important part of the Christian life, then I encourage you to check out the number of people the Apostle Paul extends greetings to in Rom. 16:1-16. Indeed, I think that Paul’s greetings tell us otherwise. Let’s walk with Him and one another! Pastor Andy Click to View Last Sunday's Service Fellowship Questions:
Let's each take our TURNS praying for the Kenya team: T- Travels- The team travels back home Friday & Saturday U- Use- That God would use the team members for His kingdom R- Return- That God returns them safely home at the end of August N- New- That God would do something new in Kenya, the team member's lives, and in NewLife S- Steven's Sutures- That God protects his surgical sight from infection and the stitches are removed easily next week. The Kenya team includes NewLifers: Titus, Kyle, Clayton, Jason, Charlie, and Steven Comments are closed.
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